The Cattle
It has been said that ”the only thing consistent is change.” We have seen a lot of change over this past year both in our family and our operation.
Feeding Program

A combination of both economics and a realization that the ethanol industry is here to stay radically changed our feeding program. We have been feeding gluten, a byproduct of the ethanol manufacturing process to the sale cattle.
The only problem was that we didn’t receive any high-priced grants with this project!

The bulls are lean, hard muscled, athletic and sound. They won’t melt away in the summer heat! We maintain our commitment to producing sound, functional cattle that produce and reproduce on a minimum of input in our NO CREEP operation and, our service to the customers remains intact.
At Frenzen’s what you see is what you get. The cattle are just rough clipped and the photos were taken while I walk through the traps. Nothing posed or fancied up.
